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Money Saving Tips for Beach Home HVAC Units

Heat Pump condensing units take a beating when used in houses along the ocean. The heavy concentration of salt in the area is so corrosive that the expected life span of these units is dramatically shortened. There are a few simple things that homeowners can do to save big bucks on these costly units.

  1. Location, Location, Location. If at all possible don’t locate the condenser units on the North East or East side of the house. Nor’easters pound them and coat them with Salt and Sand. The sand traps the salty moist reside and eats away at least resistant parts. Paying to have these units moved can save you money in the long run.
  2. Rinse the units with your garden hose monthly. This makes a huge difference and slows rusting.
  3. Before it is time to replace your heat pump, do a little shopping and price comparison. Purchasing your replacement unit(s) proactively can save you thousands. Check out online pricing of these units, they can be shipped right to your driveway and installed by a local HVAC contractor.