Sandbridge Real Estate Net
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Building a New Home In Sandbridge, VA.
Nothing is as exciting as building a new home. Building on the coast and beach is unique, my advice is to select a builder and sales agent who have experience is this area.
A REALTOR who specializes in Sandbridge can offer guidance on lot selection. All lots are not created equal, despite what city assessments say. I have helped 3 couples find oceanfront property for their new homes. All three had existing homes that had to be cleared but the sites were worth the effort.
Some of the issues “in town” builders may not have dealt with include: Building on pilings, recreational easements, bulkheads, hurricane rated products, sealing windows and doors to stay water tight during Nor ‘Easters, wetlands board restrictions, bay area soil composition, corrosive environment, salt residue, rental home special requirements and more.
I can supply you with a list of builders with Sandbridge experience. Similar comments apply to re-modeling your Beach Cottage.