Sandbridge Real Estate Net
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Siebert Realty – Sandbridge Real Estate Leader
Celebrating 50Years of Real Estate Excellence – Sandbridge, Virginia and Siebert Realty are long time partners in progress.Want to know the inside scoop on the Sandbridge Real Estate market? Stop into 601 Sandbridge Road, the offices of Siebert Realty. Tap into the personal stories from 30 years ago with some of the more senior members of this family owned firm. Newcomers will enjoy the willingness of the experienced staff to guide you past potential pitfalls and lead you in a profitable direction.
The Father & Son real estate team of Charlie & Jim Kelly have a great track record of providing Buyers with helpful counsel. The fact that many of their clients come back to buy a second Sandbridge home is proof positive. By providing back-up for each other clients are assured of always having a Kelly Team member available when they need assistance. Last month both Jim & Charlie had closings with satisfied clients whose first meeting was with either Charlie or Jim backing up the other. Working side by side on Sandbridge Real Estate transactions since 2004 has resulted in a common knowledge basis that assures clients of the intricacies of this market.