Helping you NET the home of your dreams.

Breathe Better Air in Minutes

airfilter_steven_vanceHere’s something you need to add to your monthly to-do list: Change your HVAC filters. The experts will tell you need to do it once every month to three months. The important thing is to change it when it’s dirty. Doing so can save you money and improve your health. Filters are used in modern HVAC systems to remove particles that could otherwise cause damage to the system. Dirty, or clogged filters force your HVAC system to work harder to push warm or cool air through your home. That’s going to cost you money for simply running the system, and can lead to the expense of repairing damage caused by the dirty filters.

A Sigh of Relief

Filters can also help you more than you know. Allergy sufferers often notice an improvement in their ability to breathe clearly when filters are changed. In fact, if you do have allergies, make sure to get High Efficiency Furnace Filters, which are designed to better capture mold, pollen, pet dander and dust. The vary best filters can even filter out smoke, smog and particles that carry odors!

Out with the Old
To change your filters, you first need to determine the size of the filter. The easiest way to do that is simply look at the filter already in place. It will give you the filter’s height and width in inches. Some filters are designed to be washed or vacuumed clean, but many are disposable. If you’ve got more than one HVAC, furnace or air conditioning system in your home, you may need to get multiple filters. Installing them is just a matter of pulling out the old one and installing a new one. But, if you want more guidance, check out the video below.

And when it comes time to buy a new house, we can work together to find a home that has an efficient, healthy heating and cooling solution.

This blog is maintained by Michael of Kim Hughes & Company. Photo courtesy Steven Vance/