Helping you NET the home of your dreams.

Best Prices in Sandbridge

With over a thousand families checking in at the Siebert Realty office every week of the summer season we frequently get Buyers inquiring about good real estate deals, the best price, short sales and foreclosures here in Sandbridge.

It’s only natural for vacationers to think about converting Sandbridge from a yearly vacation destination to a place of their own. Many Sandbridge property owners got bit by the Sandbridge bug while vacationing. Being the largest and most experienced rental company we can answer questions on the logistics of owning and renting a vacation home. My personal experience renting my two houses since 2000 allows me to guide Buyers and avoid pitfalls.

The answer to the question “what is the best value” isn’t as simple as it might appear. I look at properties with an eye on the year end net cash flow.  Maximum Return on Investment (ROI) is more important than lowest purchase price, price per square foot, city tax assessment. Fixed and variable costs of competing properties must be compared.

My experience and training as a business valuation consultant & a Sandbridge property owner has been a tremendous help to my buyer clients.   Call or email me with any questions.

Charlie Kelly
Realtor, MBA
SIEBERT REALTY – The Beach People
601 Sandbridge Road Virginia Beach, VA  23456
(757) 355-2233
(757)721-5300 fax
[email protected]