Sandbridge Real Estate Net
HomeHelping you NET the home of your dreams.
The Investment That Makes You Smile
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Not many investments can offer the extra value of owning a personal retreat or family memory making device. The right beach house can be a great investment offering solid appreciation over the long term as well as positive cash flow. You can say the same for solid stock market purchases.
What separates the two is the joy of ownership a beach house offers. Being able to jump in the car for a weekend get-away, at your house, is a great way to shake off stress and re-charge your batteries. Located within a short drive of major Mid-East markets Sandbridge is the ideal choice for busy executives.
Keep your beach house “owners closet” stock with the items you need and all you need to pack is a change of clothes and your toothbrush.
Attractive prices make buying now a timely decision. The early fall, with warm ocean water and pleasant day time temps make buying now perfect for enjoying your beach house right away.
Let Siebert Realty manage the day to day operations. Call or email me to see how the numbers work and decide if being a beach home owner is right for you.
Charlie Kelly 757-355-2233 or