Sandbridge Real Estate Net
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Getting Mortgages Is Now Considerably Easier Than a Year Ago

If you are hesitant to start the home buying process due to fear of getting a mortgage, you do not need to worry! Getting mortgages is now much easier, compared to last year, according to the Zillow Mortgage Access Index (ZMAI). In 2007 which is when the housing crisis hit, mortgages were much harder to come by with the worst period being in September of 2010. Before this time, they peaked in 2004 and has been a decline since then, until...
RECENTLY SOLD – 2773 Sandpiper Road
2773 Sandpiper Road has been sold! Beautiful canal front home in Sandbridge Beach sold for slightly under asking price at $582,500. Don't miss out on another great listing! Call Charlie Kelly today, your Sandbridge Beach Real Estate agent! Full property listing here: 2773 Sandpiper rd
SOLD – 3117 Sandfiddler road
Great ocean view home in Sandbridge Beach, Virginia has been sold for $840,000. 3317 Sandfiddler road has sold after only 2 short months on the market! For similar listings, or to get your home sold fast, Call or contact Charlie Kelly today!
REDUCED – 3019 Little Island Road
3091 Little Island Road, A spacious 5 bedroom, 3 bath home has just been reduced from $627,399 to $599,994! This is a great price for a sandbridge beach home with water access! This is a wonderfully updated beach house with backyard boating access and just a quick walk to the beach. Extensive tile floors throughout the home reduces allergens and carpeting expense. Immaculate. Located on a quiet street, easy beach access. Plantation shutters throughout add to upscale feel. Call Charlie Kelly today,...
15 Words That Could Add Value to Your Listing

If your home is listed and you aren't getting the attraction your looking for you might want to consider rewording your home descriptions. This may seem like a small detail, but to potential buyers these are one of the first impressions on your home. Check out the list below to see if you have any key words to add into your listing. This is also a great starting point for you and your realtor to focus on if your thinking...
3 big tax breaks buying a home in 2015

2015 is shaping up to be another great year to buy a house. Healthy inventory and low mortgage rates are still here to make home buying more attractive. Also, there are those benefits of certain tax breaks. If you need any more reason why 2015 is the year to buy a home, these three significant tax breaks can help you benefit from purchasing a home this year. 1. Use points for even lower interest rates With interest rates at an all-time low, its...