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First Time Home Buyers Category
Beginner’s Guide for Homebuyers on Escrow Requirements in Sandbridge, VA

Escrow requirements in Sandbridge, VA, apply to government-backed loans like USDA, VA, and FHA. Additionally, conventional loans with less than a 20% downpayment need an escrow account. An escrow account keeps money deposits and property documents secure while the seller and buyer settle contingencies. These contingencies include mortgage rates, home insurance, and home inspection. Learn more about escrow requirements in Sandbridge below. Escrow Requirements in Sandbridge Initial Deposit Your real estate agent collects a deposit which applies as a down payment, and deposits it in...
3 big tax breaks buying a home in 2015

2015 is shaping up to be another great year to buy a house. Healthy inventory and low mortgage rates are still here to make home buying more attractive. Also, there are those benefits of certain tax breaks. If you need any more reason why 2015 is the year to buy a home, these three significant tax breaks can help you benefit from purchasing a home this year. 1. Use points for even lower interest rates With interest rates at an all-time low, its...
Siebert Realty – Sandbridge Real Estate Leader
Celebrating 50Years of Real Estate Excellence - Sandbridge, Virginia and Siebert Realty are long time partners in progress.Want to know the inside scoop on the Sandbridge Real Estate market? Stop into 601 Sandbridge Road, the offices of Siebert Realty. Tap into the personal stories from 30 years ago with some of the more senior members of this family owned firm. Newcomers will enjoy the willingness of the experienced staff to guide you past potential pitfalls and lead you in a profitable direction. The Father & Son real estate...