Sandbridge Real Estate Net
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Recorded Sales Category
Sandbridge Real Estate Sales – December 2012

There were only 2 houses recorded as Closed Sales in Sandbridge for December, 2012. This is the first month of the year that we have recorded a reduction in unit volume. Conversations with buyers lead me to believe uncertainty from the Election and impending Fiscal Cliff caused buyers to hold off pulling the trigger on second home purchases. When we talk about what has sold in Sandbridge for the past month we need to be on the same page. You may...
Sandbridge Real Estate Sales – November 2012

There were 4 houses recorded as Closed Sales in Sandbridge for November, 2012. This is another record number, up 33% versus last November. 2012 is on its way to being a very good year, well above historic unit sales levels. When we talk about what has sold in Sandbridge for the past month we need to be on the same page. You may have heard discussions about how many houses sold recently. When a contract to purchase real estate is agreed...
Sandbridge Real Estate Sales – October 2012

There were 4 houses recorded as Closed Sales in Sandbridge for October, 2012. This is another record number, up 33% versus last October. The last 10 months have been very active in terms of closed sales. Confidence in real estate as an investment is supported by these results. When we talk about what has sold in Sandbridge for the past month we need to be on the same page. You may have heard discussions about how many houses sold recently. When...
Sandbridge Real Estate Sales – September 2012
Sandbridge Beach Home Sales set record pace. 46% more homes were sold in the last 12 months than the previous year. The increase is significant given that the previous year was a typical year in terms of unit sales. The number of condominiums sold were equal to the previous year. There were 3 houses recorded as Closed Sales in Sandbridge for September, 2012. This is same number as last September. When we talk about what has sold in Sandbridge for the past...
Sandbridge Real Estate Sales August 2012
There were 4 houses recorded as Closed Sales in Sandbridge for August, 2012. This is another record number, up 25% versus last August. The last 8 months have been very active in terms of closed sales. Buyer activity seems to be signaling that confidence in real estate as an investment is returning. Two of the four closed properties were on Sandfiddler Road, with one each oceanfront and semi-oceanfront. It should be noted that the oceanfront house at 3616 Sandfiddler was in...
Sandbridge House Sales Double in July
Twice as many homes were sold in Sandbridge, VA. in July compared to July 2011. These results continue the record setting monthly trend. In addition to doubling the number of recorded home sales the Sales Price compared to List Price improved from 91% to 95%. Semi-Oceanfront houses were the market leader with 50% of sales occurring on the Oceanview side of Sandfiddler Road. Oceanfront houses had been the bulk of recent sales, this switch to semi-ocean is logical as buyers see...