Sandbridge Real Estate Net
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Breathe Better Air in Minutes

Here's something you need to add to your monthly to-do list: Change your HVAC filters. The experts will tell you need to do it once every month to three months. The important thing is to change it when it's dirty. Doing so can save you money and improve your health. Filters are used in modern HVAC systems to remove particles that could otherwise cause damage to the system. Dirty, or clogged filters force your HVAC system to work harder to push...
Take the Plunge Saturday!

Okay, there are a lot of things you could do this weekend. Gear up for the Raven's big game on Sunday. Fix something. Read a book. Catch up on your sleep. But, those may not be... exciting... enough for you. That's why I want to make sure you know about Saturday's Polar Plunge in Virginia Beach. The festivities actually get started Friday with a party at 6pm. The next day, there's the Polar Plunge 5k run, the Kid's plunge at...
Dreaming of Your Spring Garden

If you're already tired of winter and it's drab appearance, you might be able to cheer yourself up by planning ahead for spring landscaping and gardening. Getting a head start on these springtime projects can save you time and money, and of course, your property will enjoy a boost in its beautification. So, let's take a look at some things you can get to work considering today. First off, if you're planning to have a garden this spring, you may want...
Ensure Your Windows are Secure

When you want the piece of mind of knowing your home is protected against burglars and intruders, you will most likely want to have a security company install alarms and monitoring devices. But, there are some things you can do that don't require a security company. Earlier we talked about securing doors. Today, let's take a look at window security. Potential intruders are going to look for the easiest way to get inside your home. Open or unlocked windows, hidden from...
Sandbridge Home Sales Soar

2012 closed with a very positive 29% increase in houses closed in Sandbridge. 58 houses were sold this past year, versus 45 in 2011. Average sales price per house declined by 2% for 2012. The increased volume of houses has helped reduce the available inventory. If we can continue to reduce the inventory I believe we will see prices start to increase. The number of short sales and foreclosures continues to decrease, which helps sales prices. The reduced inventory helped several individual...
Sandbridge Real Estate Sales – December 2012

There were only 2 houses recorded as Closed Sales in Sandbridge for December, 2012. This is the first month of the year that we have recorded a reduction in unit volume. Conversations with buyers lead me to believe uncertainty from the Election and impending Fiscal Cliff caused buyers to hold off pulling the trigger on second home purchases. When we talk about what has sold in Sandbridge for the past month we need to be on the same page. You may...