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Flood Insurance Bill Passed by Senate
The Senate passed a bill Thursday (1/31/14) to delay certain flood insurance rate hikes. The bill delays the implementation of certain provisions of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. Known as the “Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014,” it was sponsored by Sens. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.). Its fate now rests with the House of Representatives where some Republican leaders have expressed opposition to the flood insurance delay provisions. The Senate bill would halt premium hikes by...
Sandbridge – Your Vacation Retreat
Never Forget Crucial Maintenance Tasks Again

Everyone has a way to keep track of things that need to get done. They range from having a staff to handle your affairs (not particularly affordable) to just not remembering everything when you’d like to (not particularly useful). If you’re still looking for a way to remind yourself of home maintenance tasks, perhaps you should take a look at your phone. Because, there is an app for that. The iPad/iPhone boasts a number of useful apps to consider. HomeSaavy is...
Sandbridge June 2013 Market Update
There were 5 houses recorded as Closed Sales in Sandbridge for June, 2013. This is dramatically below the 10 houses that closed in June of 2012. The Median Sales price for this year was slightly higher than 2012, this slight uptick has been consistent over the last several months. 4 Sandbridge Condominiums sold in June which was double the 2012 result. Sales prices for condos ranged from $365,000 to $749,000. The resolution of the lawsuit against the Sandbridge Dunes developer and...
Top 10 Reasons to Have A Real Estate Agent

In today’s world a lot of people think that they can use the internet and advice from friends to successfully navigate through the home buying or selling process, but with today’s changing real estate market it is a good idea to hire an experienced, knowledgeable real estate agent when you are looking to buy or sell your Sandbridge home. Here are the top 10 reasons: 1 -- Experience Purchasing a new home may well be the largest expenditure that you ever make. So...
Do You Know What Is and Isn’t Covered?

A survey released in May by shows that many Americans are not fully aware of what their homeowner insurance covers or doesn’t cover. It shows, for example, that about half of those surveyed did not know their insurance policy would not cover damage caused by an earthquake. If your Sandbridge vacation home is also a rental property you will want to have loss of use coverage that will reimburse you for lost rental income. "Many consumers are purchasing insurance without really...