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Supply and Demand Favor Sandbridge Home Owners
5 miles versus 250 miles, that’s one way to compare The Outer Banks of Virginia to The Outer Banks of North Carolina. Sandbridge Beach, aka: The Outer Banks of Virginia is only 5 mile top to bottom. With less than 2,000 homes & condos, supply of secluded beach homes or condos in this southernmost section of Virginia is very limited. The demand for this limited supply is growing as residents of the heavily populated region 2-3 hours to our North and...
Siebert Realty – Sandbridge Real Estate Leader
Celebrating 50Years of Real Estate Excellence - Sandbridge, Virginia and Siebert Realty are long time partners in progress.Want to know the inside scoop on the Sandbridge Real Estate market? Stop into 601 Sandbridge Road, the offices of Siebert Realty. Tap into the personal stories from 30 years ago with some of the more senior members of this family owned firm. Newcomers will enjoy the willingness of the experienced staff to guide you past potential pitfalls and lead you in a profitable direction. The Father & Son real estate...
Save Lives with Simple Beach House Modification
Beach House deck design has come a long way over the last 15 years. Routine past practices are now recognized to have some major safety flaws. Selling 10 to 20 beach cottages per year results in me spending a lot of time watching home inspectors evaluate oceanfront homes. How decks are attached to the house is one of the most important items that come up on a regular basis. In years past decks were secured to the house with large nails....
Save $7,400 Year on Beach House Flood Insurance Premium
Sandbridge, Virginia couple saves a bundle. On a recent listing appointment with a Sandbridge oceanfront homeowner the subject of Flood Insurance premiums came up. The property owner casually mentioned they paid about $8,000 per year for their flood insurance. They looked at my surprised expression and asked how much I paid. When I said under $700 they nearly fell off their chairs. I am happy to report they contacted a new insurance agent and are now paying $7,400 less per year for...
Sandbridge House Sales Double in July
Twice as many homes were sold in Sandbridge, VA. in July compared to July 2011. These results continue the record setting monthly trend. In addition to doubling the number of recorded home sales the Sales Price compared to List Price improved from 91% to 95%. Semi-Oceanfront houses were the market leader with 50% of sales occurring on the Oceanview side of Sandfiddler Road. Oceanfront houses had been the bulk of recent sales, this switch to semi-ocean is logical as buyers see...
Top 10 Tips for Buying a Beach House
1. Determine Why you want a Beach House 2. Select a Beach you can visit easily. 3. The land is worth more. 4. Select a local specialist. 5. Location, Location, Location 6. View the property through Goal Focused Lenses. 7. Narrow your Search 8. Explore expenses. 9. Look at your neighbors & your view. 10. Ask for Help. #1 - Purely personal use? Combo Rental & Personal? Potential retirement property? Ocean lover? Bay lover? #2 – Long weekend getaway retreat? How much driving time makes sense. #3 – The land value for a Beach house is...