Sandbridge Real Estate Net
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Beginner’s Guide for Homebuyers on Escrow Requirements in Sandbridge, VA

Escrow requirements in Sandbridge, VA, apply to government-backed loans like USDA, VA, and FHA. Additionally, conventional loans with less than a 20% downpayment need an escrow account. An escrow account keeps money deposits and property documents secure while the seller and buyer settle contingencies. These contingencies include mortgage rates, home insurance, and home inspection. Learn more about escrow requirements in Sandbridge below. Escrow Requirements in Sandbridge Initial Deposit Your real estate agent collects a deposit which applies as a down payment, and deposits it in...
4 Relaxing Beachfront Restaurants in Sandbridge

There is a lot to love about Sandbridge. It is a relaxed beach community with friendly people. This culture even extends to the dining establishments in Sandbridge. You can always expect friendly service at the beachfront restaurants in Sandbridge. Where should you go for a meal next time you are in town? We have a list of the top restaurants that offer relaxed vibes. 4 Laidback Beachfront Restaurants in Sandbridge Simply Steamed 2545 Sandpiper Road - (757) 351-8553 There is nothing like enjoying a big...
Public and Private Golf Clubs near Sandbridge

Sandbridge is a laid-back beach community. While the beach is the primary attraction for many, there is a lot more to love about Sandbridge. For instance, there are many public and private golf clubs near Sandbridge. These clubs have great courses and amenities that make them good for more than just golf. Are you looking for a golf club near Sandbridge? Read on to learn about a few of your options. Public and Private Golf Clubs near Sandbridge Virginia Beach National Golf Club 2500...
How Can I Buy a Sandbridge Home Using My 401K

Maybe you are interested in buying a home in Sandbridge, VA. If you have a 401k, you might wonder if you can use that money to fund the purchase. You can buy a Sandbridge home using 401k money, but there are things you should know. Your 401k is retirement savings. It might be a good option for some buyers, but there might be better alternatives for others. This post will cover the basics of using your 401k to purchase a home...